ℹ️ General information for students

Objectives Planning Program  Evaluation Rules Support ECTS-informatie

On this page you will find general information about the course School Experience.


We will work towards and evaluate the following objectives:

  • The student is an educatorThe student uses knowledge about other cultures and philosophies of life in the classroom with respect for the uniqueness of each individual person.
  • The student is an expertThe student uses a correct, appropriate and challenging language that stimulates the learners to further development, with a positive attitude towards multilingualism.
  • The student is a committed professionalThe student uses his talents in teaching and school practice. 
  • The student is an organiserThe student draws up a feasible schedule for his own tasks and, where necessary, limits this in terms of time, quantity, etc. 
  • The student is a member of the education team: The  student shows respect for the norms, values and talents of others in a team.
  • The student is a global citizenThe student actively seeks information about the perspective of others, questions their own frame of reference and worldview and adjusts if necessary.
  • The student is a researcher/innovatorThe student adjusts his own performance on the basis of reflection and feedback. 


As you can see below, School Experience will not only take place at campus, but also at a primary school. School Experience is a unique way to explore and learn about the Flemish education system from the inside out. Each of you received an address and contact information of a primary school. πŸ“„Here your find the details of your primary school. In this school and with his members and pupils, you will fulfill the program including tasks mandatory to succeed for School Experience.

Date What? To do?
8th of February: 1PM - 4PM

@CAMPUS: SESSION 1 - Introduction about the course School Experience and first meeting with Banaba-friend(s)

πŸ“„Here your find the PowerPoint used during session 1.

5th of March @SCHOOL: DAY 1 - Acquaintance with the school - Observation, participation, conversation with school mentor about your personal goals and their expectations.

8th of March: 1:30PM - 3:15PM

@CAMPUS: SESSION 2 - Feedback on your provisional personal goal & How to prepare and organise activities for children in Belgium?

πŸ“„Here your find the PowerPoint used during session 2.

12th of March @SCHOOL: DAY 2 - Observation, participation, conversation about your action plan (refine)
  • Task 2: step 2, step 3
  • Task 2: step 4: Arrange a second meeting with your Banaba-friend(s)
  • Task 2: step 5: Make a schedule and prepare activities (according to your action plan)
19th of March @SCHOOL: DAY 3 - Observation, participation, implementation action plan
  • Task 2: step 5: Prepare activities (according to your action plan)
26th of March @SCHOOL: DAY 4 - Observation, participation, implementation action plan
  • Task 2: step 5: Prepare activities (according to your action plan)

29th of March: 1:30PM - 3:15PM

@CAMPUS: SESSION 3 - Supervision and reflection on (the implementation of) action plan

πŸ“„Here your find the PowerPoint used during session 3.


16th of April @SCHOOL: DAY 5 - Observation, participation, implementation action plan
  • Task 2: step 5: Prepare activities (according to your action plan)
23rd of April @SCHOOL: DAY 6 - Observation, participation, implementation action plan
  • Task 2: step 5: Prepare activities (according to your action plan)
30st of April @SCHOOL: DAY 7 - Observation, participation, implementation action plan
  • Task 2: step 5: Prepare activities (according to your action plan)
7th of May @SCHOOL: DAY 8 - Observation, participation, implementation action plan
  • Task 2: step 5: Prepare activities (according to your action plan)
  • Task 3: Prepare the Poster and materials fare
17th of May: 3:15PM - 4:45PM @CAMPUS: SESSION 4 - Poster and materials Fair

In your timetable Links to an external site. your find for all your courses where and when lessons are planned.


  Observation & participation

In order to get a clear view of the Flemish educational system, we encourage you to observe actively and participate. This means you don’t β€˜just sit’ in the back of the classroom to observe, but you help your mentor handing out materials, help your mentor supervise at the playground, guiding children to the/another classroom or to the gym or to somewhere else, support a small group of children in the classroom, ... Your mentor might ask you to do some things like this, but also take initative!



In order to succeed you must accomplish following tasks:

Task Description  "Deadline"
1. RESEARCH & DISCUSS πŸ“š Do research on the educational system (regarding special needs) in your home country and Belgium 1st of March


using this template using this template downloaden

πŸ’¬ Step 1: Analyse yourself as a future teacher to prepare the acquantaince with your school mentor 4th of March
🎯 Step 2: Formulate a personal goal 7th of March
πŸ“… Step 3: Draw up an action plan 7th of March
πŸ’­ Step 4: Reflect on your process with your "Banaba-friend"

7th of March
19th of April

πŸ’ͺ Step 5: Implement action plan (take at least 5 actons at the primary school) 7th of May
πŸ’­ Step 6: Reflect upon your final action plan and experience 24th of May
3. POSTER & MATERIALS FAIR 🎬 Presentation of your school experience 17th of May


Activities with children

In your action plan (task 2, step 3) you have to integrate at least 3 activities with children of the school. This means you have to prepare and organise activities for children during your School Experience. This can be: lessons about your language (language initiation), music lessons, art lessons about an artist of your home region, game or activity at the playground, cooking class, reading moment, ...

πŸ‘€ Have a look at these pages for more information:

🏫 How to prepare lessons or activities for children?

πŸ’‘ Inspiration



School Experience will be evaluated permanently. In order to succeed you must realise the full program: 

  • execute all the tasks described (1 to 3),
  • be present each Tuesday at the primary school from the beginning until the end of the school day.
Evaluation form? %
How? Which objectives will be evaluated?

Score based on final action plan (step 1 to 6)

/ 14

  • The student is a committed professionalThe student uses his talents in teaching and school practice. 
  • The student is an organiserThe student draws up a feasible schedule for his own tasks and, where necessary, limits this in terms of time, quantity, etc. 
  • The student is a researcher/innovatorThe student adjusts his own performance on the basis of reflection and feedback.


Score based on observations and feedback by the school


  • The student is an educatorThe student uses knowledge about other cultures and philosophies of life in the classroom with respect for the uniqueness of each individual person.
  • The student is an expertThe student uses a correct, appropriate and challenging language that stimulates the learners to further development, with a positive attitude towards multilingualism.
  • The student is a member of the education team: The  student shows respect for the norms, values and talents of others in a team.

Score based on observations and feedback by the Banaba-friend(s)


  • The student is a global citizenThe student actively seeks information about the perspective of others, questions their own frame of reference and worldview and adjusts if necessary.

An overview of all tasks and deadlines you find here πŸ‘€ (and in the table above). More details about how you will be evaluated you find here here downloadenπŸ“„.



  General guidelines

  • Bring your own lunch to the primary schools
  • Respect school policy (appearance, smoking, ...)
  • Respect hygienic guidelines (wash your hands, long hair bound together, ...)
  • Observe actively: help where you can, show enthusiasm, participate in activities, take initiative
  • Greet the principal, thank your mentors & the principal.


  Rules about absence

  • You are expected to be at the school in time (most schools start at 8:15 AM).
  • You don’t leave the school before the end of the day, and you stay a bit longer if asked so.
  • If you miss the bus or other public transport, you call immediately to the school and you take the next one. In the evening of that day you send Julie D'Haeyer an email to tell you have missed the bus/tram/....
  • If you are sick on the day of School Experience, you immediately inform the school principal, your mentor and Julie D'Haeyer. Afterwards you have to send your mentor and Julie D'Haeyer a doctor’s certificate as proof by email.
  • If you are late without warning the school or if you leave school earlier without permission or if you don’t show up, you might fail for School Experience.


  Other rules

  • You follow the instructions on this page πŸ‘€ to create a OneDrive folder carefully.
  • You respect deadlines.
  • You plan your actions using the template template downloadenπŸ“„.
  • If applicable: You prepare lessons or activities properly in a document (you can use this lesson plan this lesson plan downloadenπŸ“„) and at least 3 working days in advance you send your preparations to your mentor and post it on OneDrive. In other words, when you give a lesson or lead an activity on Tuesday, you need to upload your lesson preparation form the latest on that Thursday before in OneDrive.



πŸ“„Here you find who your school mentor is and who your Banaba-friend(s) is (are). 

  Support from school mentor

The mentor will support you in multiple ways. He or she will help you to decide which personal goal you can achieve and help you with your action plan, will give you the information you need to prepare certain activities, will answer your question, will give you chances to participate and will give you feedback. Use all of the feedback to grow further as a teacher. At the end of School Experience, you will receive a final report from your mentor. This report, you need the hand over to your supervisor. 


  Support from Banaba-friend(s)

The Banaba-friend is a student at the Artevelde University of Applied Sciences in the Advanced Bachelor Remedial Teaching or the advanced Bachelor Special Education Needs. He/she:
  • conducts at least 2 coaching conversations with you during School Experience. One of those conversations must take place at the beginning of the School Experience (beginning of March), a second or subsequent conversations can take place when the student has already been to primary school a number of times (end of March, April).
  • guides you in drawing up your personal goal(s) and action plan in relation to these goals.
  • coaches you to achieve your personal goal(s). He ensures your learning process, wherein your personal experience, development and learning style are put into account. The aim is to teach you to reflect on your goals and your action plan to achieve your personal goal(s).
  • acts as a critical friend and is a discussion partner on educational themes.


  Support from the teacher of Artevelde University of Applied Sciences

  • informs you and the school about the School Experience concept.
  • informs you about the expectations of the primary school
  • might give feedback on your personal goal and action plan (task 2).
  • organises multiple sessions at campus to help you realise your action plan and reflect upon this.
  • communicates with the "Banaba-friend" and the school mentor about your process.
  • is contact person for the school and the mentors when you threatens to not achieve the goals or when attitudes are not satisfactory. The teacher can intervene and, where necessary, talk to you and/or visit the primary school. 


E-mail address

Julie D'Haeyer




The ECTS-information of this course you find here.