Examples of lessons or projects by fellow students
Examples of lesson subjects
Below you find possible subjects of lessons and possible objectives you can work towards with the children in your classroom. Please ask your mentor about the objectives he/she wants to achieve with a lesson. On top, ask your mentor how much time you have to give a lesson.
Title of the lesson:
Objectives of the lesson
Art Class: Typical (country) art piece
The children must be able to look at art and find typical characteristics themselves.
The children must be able to make a similar art object themselves following those self-found characteristics.
The children must be able to evaluate their own art piece and that of others.
The children must be able to work independently.
Music Class: Typical (country) song
The children must be able to translate what they are singing.
The children must be able to sing the song correctly.
The children must be able to do typical movements to support the singing.
The children must be able to follow the song on a music activity sheet.