Teaching an international classroom
Lecturers who will soon be teaching an international classroom, expect a classroom full of open minded global citizens. As a lecturer you hope that during your lessons students will share a richness of experiences, opinions and habits. In reality lecturers of international classrooms often encounter incomprehension, conflicts and mutual frustration. It is all 'part of the game', next to the familiar daily challenges of lecturers in higher education.
We distinguish four challenges of an international classroom, represented in the four modules below. Every module consists of a learning path that guides you through background information, checklists, testimonials and tips for further reading. Choose one of the modules and click on the title to get started!
Module 2: Language
- Teacher language level
- Student language level
- Classroom English & EMI
- Loss of identity
- Target language in the classroom
- CLIL-didactics
- Language support
- Language feedback
- ...
Module 4: Education
- Group work
- Conflict management
- Feedback & assessment
- Interaction & participation
- Plagiarism
- ...
Some items of this Canvas course are under construction.
More information? Suggestions? Want to use or share?
Contact Joke.Vrijders@arteveldehs.be - project leader
LeenDeBoom@arteveldehs.be, Lisa.DeClercq@arteveldehs.be or Brecht.Maschaele@arteveldehs.be - project members
Sarah.Slock@arteveldehs.be - Office for Educational Development and Internationalisation
Teaching an international classroom by Artevelde University College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |